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Career Opportunities
The Institute is undertaking cutting - edge projects and programs that not only benefit the present crises but engage and mentor future young people into the legacy that is being passed on to them. Too often college students and even students who have graduated from college do not know what direction they want to take. In conjunction with its prestigious University Consortium and beyond, the Washington Institute provides them with that opportunity.
In the past three years, dozens of students have been chosen to participate in the projects of the Institute. In doing so not only are they involved in the substance of addressing some of the great crises of our times, but they are being mentored, supported, and encouraged by the Institute’s team as they prepare for their futures.
Furthermore, they are being exposed to accomplished figures of our times in business, government, and society on a personal level who can help them more sharply focus on their career paths. The Institute is proud of the fact that 70% of the students who have worked at the Institute have asked to extend their time because of the benefits they have received from the program.

Internship Positions
* To apply for the internship positions please send your Cover Letter and Resume to

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